Friday, January 06, 2006

Net worth 12/31/05

I finally added up all my dividends and closed out the year. Great news: my net worth on 12/31/05 was $256,348... and that doesn't count $611 worth of business expenses due to be reimbursed. (Tracking these kinds of recievables as an asset begins to get a little too anal even for me.)
I was surprised it was this high, I really blew past my goals this year! It must be the blogging, and the supportive, encouraging comments from my beloved readers! (except for the one who said I was "psychotic".) Thanks all!


Alsymer said...

Psychotic, eh? Hmm ... well, then I guess we all are!

Congrats on making such great gains this past year and being willing to share with the rest of us ... it's an inspiration (at least to me, but then again, I'm probably psychotic, too). :-)

Keep up the good work!

vr6trd said...

Congrats on ending positive going into the new year. I will include your data shortly.


Madame X said...

Actually, I kind of got a kick out of being called psychotic. It made me want to change my photo to have a hockey mask on instead of sunglasses...

Anonymous said...

LOL about the hockey mask!

Anonymous said...

fight da power!