From this post on the "Anonymous Lawyer" blog:
If $160K the first year out of law school can't satisfy you, nothing's ever going to satisfy you and your problem isn't the law firm, it's that crazy voice inside of you telling you that you deserve more, that you're destined for greatness beyond that which a law firm can provide. But no one is destined for greatness. Greatness happens by accident, and the road to greatness is littered with the broken dreams of an awful lot of people who never became great. Why not just take the $160K, put it in the bank, forget the greatness and be satisfied with security?
Which would you prefer, $160,000 a year or greatness?
I would prefer people to bow down to me, but I will take the 160k as the consolation prize!
If you can get to be "great" you can have $160k a year too probably, though not straight out of school. You're going to have to work hard to get there unless you are in medicine or law and a few other professions. This is unless you have taken some kind of vow of poverty. And if you save you don't need such a high salary to get to that level including investment returns.
Anyway a full professor in econ or natural sciences at a top university is going to make that if they have full research funding through the summer. Politicians, authors etc. are going to get there if they are great when speaking fees etc. come in.
Definitely greatness. Settling only for security is a waste of life.
The money. Wait, before you say that I'm shallow and superficial, you should know something.
In my eyes "greatness" requires you to remain on the viewing scope of many. I am not one to be watched with great scrutiny. I prefer to be in the background, doing what I do, the best that I can.
As far as the cash, for me, this would provide my inner "greatness". With it, I could do so many wonderful things for the people that need, without the notoriety or pat on the back. This is something, that would give me great internal feelings of "greatness". Plus allow me to keep my secret, on observed, position.
I'm glad everyone is different. It makes the world go round!
at this point $160k a year since i just lost my job. But I'm going to go back to school and look for a new one's a blessing and an open door of opportunity for me
Greatness is in the eye of the beholder. I'm already "great"!
Please pass the money.
Ah….the sweet, smell of perfume! Today's market is flooded with hundreds and hundreds of different fragrances ranging from floral to woodsy. Most women love the smell of perfume, wearing it even when going to the grocery store. The problem is that perfume allergy for some women, is anything but nice.
NYC law firm recently raised the pay for first year associate's $160,000. With that, billing rates will now increase and be passed along to (very pissed) clients in order to pay those salaries. Also, if you're "fortunate" enough to be making $160K right out of law school, you'd better believe you graduated in the top 2% of your class and you will NOT have a normal work/life balance. This type of pay doesn't come without some heavy trade offs. I'll take peace of mind and time with my children over a job that robs me of my time and sanity any old day.
Greatness, in a heartbeat. I'd rather do something important than make a ton of money.
I disagree with the author's assertion that "greatness happens by accident." I have worked very hard to achieve a level of competence that is, in my own opinion, way above average--maybe even great. That's why my salary is in the top 2% of American workers. Yes I feel very fortunate to be in such a position but it was no accident.
Depends on your definition of greatness but if it's greatness in this world, then I'd much rather have the $160k.
If the second Mr or Ms Anonymous comes back, I would be interested to know what the charge out rates are for NY law firms.
I live in Australia, am just entering my second year as an associate as a tax lawyer, was just given my first pay rise, and now make *gasp* 39,900AU per year! Since I started my charge out rate has gone up 75% (now $225AU an hour), yet my pay has gone up 10%
The hours are still terrible, I was at work on New Years Day.
And yes, I was one of the top students of my year. You consider yourself fortunate that you even were offerred a place in a top tier firm, you just hope the pay goes up in years to come (until you eventually become a partner and age ten years overnight).
The point is, if you want to be a lawyer, think about why? And if it's for the money, don't bother, it's not like you will have time to spend it anyway!
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