Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Welcome, Bitches!

A belated welcome to the readers of Bitch magazine, which covers "feminist response to popular culture." (Which reminds me of a debate I had with one of my roommates in college about whether James Brown's song "It's a Man's World" was sexist. I argued that it was not, though I would stop short of calling Mr. JB any sort of great advocate for women! He once went to prison for beating his wife, who nevertheless visited him every day to bring him his blowdryer, or so the story goes.) Anyway, thanks to a tip from a commenter, I discovered that I got this nice mention:

Brooklynite Madame X is obsessed with the sociology of money-- how we spend and save it, how our attitudes about it reflect our upbringing, and, in less highfalutin terms, how to manage it. My Open Wallet is an experiment in financial transparency-- the madame blogs about her purchases, her savings, and her financial goals in talky, sensible, and often conflicted posts. From goofy scheming about how to burst the seemingly airtight New York City housing bubble ("Make sure you get to open houses early so you can place fake vomit on doorstep of building") to thoughtful advice on budgeting and record-keeping, it's a consistently fun and suprising peek into a side of life usually hidden.

Thank you, Bitch!

Check out the magazine... there is also an article about Suze Orman in this issue, as well as some other pieces that relate to women and careers and money.


Pink Shoes said...

That would be how I discovered your blog sometime in December, and I've considered myself hooked ever since. I've not been disappointed in the recommendation.

Single Ma said...

Somehow I think you had way too much fun writing this post. A magazine named Bitches, huh? Wow, I gotta see this!

(maybe even consider a subscription lol)

Dawn said...

You are the "one" Madame X - keep up the wonderful work, no pressure

tropicsaver said...

Congratulations on your latest feature. I got to agree with Single Ma, you seem to have a lit of fun on this post. And on another note whats up with that magazine name?

Anonymous said...

I'm here after seeing your mention in Bitch. I'm a grad student not working for the first time in my adult life and I am having trouble adjusting to a new lifestyle. Actually, I'm not adjusting, I'm just trying to live the same life I lived on a real salary and racking up debt. I look forward to perusing your site!