Friday, June 29, 2007

Do You Think You're Having a Bad Day?

Stock market not treating you well? Spending a little too much lately and won't make your June budget goals? Didn't win the lottery? Well cheer up, at least this didn't happen to you:

...a bird had pooped straight into my open wallet while I was at the ATM...

I had a good laugh when that popped up in my Google Alerts for "my open wallet!"


Escape Brooklyn said...

Ha! I mean, er, yuck.

Rad said...

Makes me feel lik my day is going better already :) Thanks

I've been reading your blog for about 2 weeks, first time commenting. Great blog, very interesting stuff. I did my own "day in the life" calculations and I was pretty shocked at how much I spend on days I "don't spend any money". Thanks for the insights.

Happy 4th of July

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that my nan once told me that its good luck if a bird poops on you. Now if it poops on your purse than thats got to be even better!! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL Thats funny right there- reminds me of when a seagull pooped in my moms hair when we were crossing the street to Laguna Beach!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the perspective! It's always nice to get a bird's-eye view of our personal situation.

(Sorry, couldn't resist that one)