Monday, July 23, 2007

Bigger Bonus!

A letter from HR showed up in my inbox recently, detailing my eligibility for an annual bonus. I was surprised to see that my bonus is now based on 15% of my salary, rather than 10%! This, of course, was a very pleasant surprise. But it's weird, isn't it, that my employer sort of gave me a raise without even telling me? I suppose it must be something automatic that kicks in when you've been with the company a certain number of years. But I don't remember seeing that spelled out in the employee manual. (Not that I've actually read it lately!)
Usually employers don't give you anything you haven't asked for... and if by chance they do, they are sure to tell you what a big deal it is and how nice they are being. But in this case, I just found out by a random piece of paper that my boss never even mentioned. I just hope the HR department didn't make some kind of mistake!


SavingDiva said...

Unexpected raises are always a nice surprise. I wish that I would get one....

Anonymous said...

I work in an industry that doesn't pay bonuses, at least not regularly. How much do people usually receive in bonus pay? Is 10-15% the norm?

Madame X said...

I don't think there's any particular rule of thumb for bonus amounts-- I think it can vary widely. It might be a flat amount of a few hundred or thousand dollars, or it may be a percentage of salary. At my company, as far as I know, it at least varies between 5-15%.

Anonymous said...

Bronx chica...girl make that money! I wish I could get bonuses other than free