Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I Dream of Greenies

Do you ever dream about money? I had a dream last night in which I was taking money out of my wallet to pay for a hotel room, I think. I can't remember the rest of the dream, other than a part when I was riding on the top of a double decker bus as it went along an elevated highway that was almost like a roller coaster. At one point, it seemed to be descending in a huge spiral that was so steep I thought I was going to fall out of the bus and into the water below. I often have really vivid dreams, full of weird adventures and crises. I think all my anxieties about life emerge in my dreams-- I'm trying to avenge some wrong that was done to me, or I'm back in college and I have to register for courses, but I've forgotten the book that lists the ones I have to take, so I have to go back to my dorm room to get it, but I forget where my dorm is, and then it's too late to get to the class I want to take, and then I realize I have no clothes on, etc...
I think I've had dreams of that nature where I needed to buy something but didn't have any money, and then went into some chain of events involving trying to find my money and then losing track of whatever I was supposed to buy... but otherwise, I can't remember many dream situations where money came into play at all. Perhaps I think about this stuff so much in real life it has no need to invade my sub-conscious dream life?
Do money matters invade your dreams? What do you think it means when they do?


Anonymous said...

I don't recall ever having a dream about money. Yeah, I think you're thinking way too much about money during the day to dream abou it. If people do have dreams of money they must be in some financial trouble.

Anonymous said...

Sorry this comment is unrelated (I don't yet have a blog to post things on), but does anyone know if there are any PF blogs out there written by someone who has succeeded? Someone who has been successfully spening less than they earn for a long enough period of time that they have now achieved their goal, such as quitting work, starting their own business or whatever?

I would love to read one for inspiriation.

Anonymous said...

Caroline - I maintain a blog where the initial goal was to attain a net worth of $1MM by my 30th birthday. While I have 6 months to go, it appear the long-term goal will be achieved within a few weeks.