Saturday, May 10, 2008

Community Appreciation Post

I just wanted to pause for a moment to thank everyone who regularly reads and comments on this site, as well as the many other fine personal finance bloggers out there whose sites I enjoy when I can. I'm not actually all that good at time management, and I can also be kind of a poor communicator with friends, so I'm terrible about responding to emails, getting into dialogue in the comments on posts, and commenting on other people's blogs. But it doesn't mean I don't care! I love all your thoughtful, helpful and funny comments and emails-- keep them up! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Well, you are greatly appreciated, too, by all of us. I check your blog every day, and it often gives me something important to think about, without any self-importance. And it's interesting knowing so many people I've never met in person, but with whom I feel a real bond. You are the Den Mother of a supportive, knowledgeable, interesting troop! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Smooch, Madame X! Just keep doing what you do...

Anonymous said...

Bronx Chica- Thanks for sharing your financial journeys with us all :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for thinking of us. Keep up what you're doing. Your blog is insightful and entertaining.

Escape Brooklyn said...

Thank *you*, Madame X. I love your blog and read every day!