Thursday, June 19, 2008

I Need Singles!

And I don't mean one dollar bills! I mean single people who are looking for love-- financially compatible love!

Inspired by an email from a reader (whose very interesting story will soon be told in a post on this site), I thought it would be fun to introduce a new regular feature, the My Open Wallet Money Matchmaker Single of the Month, or something along those lines with a catchier title yet to be determined! (Solvent Soulmates? Financial Fix-up? Dating for Dollars?)

A couple thousand people regularly visit this site, and though you are spread far and wide across the country and even the world, you all share an interest in personal finance. I'm sure many of you would have other things in common too, so why not offer the opportunity to do a little frugal flirting!

Here's how it will work: if you are looking for love (or new friends or whatever) send me an email (to openwallet1 [ insert "at" sign] yahoo [dot] com) describing yourself and the kind of person you'd like to meet. I'll keep this free-form: no need to answer any particular questions, but given the nature of this site, I think it would be great if people talked about their financial philosophies and goals. If you want, feel free to also send a photo.
Once I post the profile, people can either respond to me by email, or in the comments. And if some lucky connections are made, I hope the participants will agree to tell a story about how things go! Of course everyone will want to know how the check was paid on the first date!

Of course I have to add a disclaimer that a) I can't guarantee that I'll be able to post every profile submitted, and b) I can't be held responsible for the accuracy of any submitted profiles or the outcome of any contacts made via this site but I will do my best to make sure this is safe and fun for everyone!

Also, if you like the idea of connecting with other My Open Wallet readers but don't want to play the whole dating game, don't forget there is a Facebook fan group you can join!


Dolly Iris said...

Sounds like fun but I'm already happily taken. Hope this project works out for some sexy frugals out there!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I just stumbled upon this site and about to look around, but I already like it - very smart!

Squeezer said...

i'd enter but I live in mississippi, and even if i found my financial soul mate on here, she'll probably live 1000 miles away, and that is just too far

Unknown said...

Sounds like Madame X is trying to find someone under the guise of a single service ;)

Anonymous said...

I can smell a lawsuit coming your way, Madame X.


Well, I am single. But I tend to enjoy being the breadwinner so if you could just find me someone who makes under $10,000 a year ;)

Madame X said...

David, I swear I am not going to skim off all the best entries for myself! I'm already taken!

Anonymous said...

Bad timing! As I am recently not-so-single. But I would stay away from naming it "Dating For Dollars." Sounds more like a prostitution ring and you might get a call from the feds.

Unknown said...

Adam -

Don't let distance scare ya - for all you know there is a frugal fan reading the blog right next door to you! Haven't you seen You've Got Mail? :)

Caroline from Brooklyn

Anonymous said...


I've seen that movie and its great but my fear is that my movie would be called "You've Got Bills!". I've never tried a long distance relationship before but I imagine the costs can run up quick (plane/bus/train tickets/phone bill). Please dont take that as me placing money above love but at times the tightwad in me would question if its worth it. However, I honestly feel that if it was that someone..the woman that makes my breath catch in my throat every time I see her..I think I would get over the money issue.

Anonymous said...

So I can find a girl by being financially responsible now? Without spending 5% of my paycheck at bars and clubs and another 10% on dates at nice restaurants... that would be nice.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... Can I try this one? I'm looking for my future wife with the same mindset as I do :)

Madame X said...

Go for it, Millionaire Acts! Send me your info!

Kira said...

Sounds like fun but I'm already happily taken. Hope this project will work successfully!