Thursday, February 16, 2006

Bye-bye GM

It's gone, dumped, finito.
50 shares bought 7/28/04 at $43.45
50 shares sold 2/16/06 at $22.11

You can do the math and feel the pain... but it's over now and I'm moving on.
I'll have to do a post-mortem on this in a few months and see how things have gone, but I suspect even having the cash in a money market account may end up ahead. We shall see.


Anonymous said...

My sympathies to your bottom line :~(

Anonymous said...

remember to file a loss on your return

Anonymous said...

Always a tough decision, but it is the correct one (IMHO).

Try not to look back too much with what if's. If the company you sell turns around and gives you a reason to buy, you can always buy it back.

Anonymous said...

another reason why individual investors should avoid stocks, PARTICULARLY if you do not yet own your own residence.

Stocks and the stock market were and have been designed for inside interests. Unless you are same, or have oodles of time, and the acumen to, run through financials and public reports, stick to no loan funds and real estate.

Caitlin said...

Sayonara! And since I went with a Japanese theme, I dug up this bunny to cheer your decision (or is that a mochi ball with ears?)

Tiredbuthappy said...

Hey Caitlin and Madame, have you noticed your net worth goals for the year are the same?

Madame X said...

I know, it must be something about the green template...