Thursday, March 23, 2006

Welcome, clickers!

I've been Clicked over at so if you're visiting this site for the first time, here's a little introduction:

My name is Madame X and I'm obsessed with money... but not in a yucky super-materialistic kind of way! This is the personal finance blog where you're as likely to read about a dominatrix as a dividend; where salaries, spreadsheets, studio apartments, and salad dressing coexist with coupons, karaoke, career advice, and condoms. I quote James Brown songs as often as possible. And no post is ever off-topic.

I still can't believe 40,000 people have visited this site, but here's what a few of them have said about it:
"a wicked sense of humor"-- Business Week
"Madame X is a bad sista"-- SingleMom
"one of the ur-texts of this genre"-- Bluebird
"you must be psychotic"-- Anonymous
"Wait... that's not toast on your crown?"-- Caitlin

I have a great time writing this blog and I hope you enjoy reading it. Thanks for stopping by!


Anonymous said...

Wow - Excellent!!! You are such a super star!

calgirlfinance said...

Wow, Congratulations! Your blog is one of the ones I enjoy reading the most.

Dude said...

Congrats. 40,000 Wow. Thats great. Keep up the great blogging.

Single Ma said...

You ARE a bad sista! Things just aren't the same without my daily dose of Madame X. Keep doin you!

And thanks for linking to me. ;-)

Caitlin said...

I still dont know how you fit all that toast into your tiny apartment! LOL

congrats on clickage, and I love the aliteration ;)

iCrazy said...

I found your blog through a link at . Both blogs are very helpful to me. Thanks a lot! Keep up the good blogging. :)