Friday, December 22, 2006

5 Things You Don't Know About Me

I've been tagged by Single Ma for this meme that has been going around lately, which is convenient as I was sitting here on hold with Verizon and trying to decide what to write about today!

Ok, so 5 things you don't know about me... my name, my address, what I look like, what I'm wearing right now and what my sign is. Hey, that was easy! Though I'd better check back through my archives, I might have confessed somewhere to being a Virgo.

Alright, let's actually be more informative!

1) I like to draw and have had some cartoons and sketches published in small magazines. I've always thought it would be fun to do a comic strip. If there was an easy way to do this blog as a comic, I would! (Would it then be called a "clog?")

2) I was a founding member of my high school's first lacrosse team. We never won a game, which was embarrassing because our opponents tended to be much younger girls from nearby private schools.

3) When I was about 8 or 9 years old, my best friend and I used to take all the clothes off her Barbie doll and turn her into a super-hero called "Naked Woman" who fought crime by farting at the bad guys.

4) Like Flexo, I used to be a big fan of Dr. Who. I also loved the old Avengers TV show. If I could be any character from any TV show, I would want to be Emma Peel. But vinyl bodysuits aren't actually all that comfortable, unfortunately.

5) Since something here has to relate to money: the last credit card transaction I made was 2 days ago, at Banana Republic. I spent $47.04, on a t-shirt for my sister, and 2 pairs of socks for me.

Since I'm supposed to pass this on, I'll tag...
Tired But Happy
No Credit Needed
Savvy Saver


Tiredbuthappy said...

About number 3:
Farts never stop being funny.

mapgirl said...

I agree. Fart jokes are always funny.

Strange coincidence this morning. I was driving to work and I was passed on the left by a royal blue Mini Cooper with the VA plate 'MRS PEEL'.

Askazombiehousewife said...

I think keenspot comics used to allow posting comics like people do with blogs. Id on't know if they still do.

NCN said...

Hey... Just found the tag! I'll post sometime today...

savvy said...

somehow this just showed up in my Bloglines today... I'll try to think of five things!