From my new favorite website, Not Always Right... as in "The Customer is Not Always Right." If you've ever worked in retail or food service (as I have), you will especially enjoy it!
Me: “Hey there, can I help you out?”
Customer: “Were these products on Oprah?”
Me: “Yes, they’ve been featured.”
Customer: “Celebrities use them, right? So they must be really expensive…like $500 a pop or something, right?”
Me: “No, not at all. This one here only costs $40 before tax, and none of the products exceed $150.”
Customer: “So, when the celebrities buy them, they only cost $40?”
Me: “Yes.”
Customer: “And when regular people buy them, they only cost $40?”
Me: “Yes.”
(A moment of silence passes as the customer glares at me.)
Customer: “COMMUNIST!”
It's funny just on its own before you think about it too much. Then you think about it and realize that having a sliding scale where someone who earns more pays more is more in line with Marx's principles and it's about 3 times MORE funny!
Actually, you're probably NOT paying the same as a celebrity. Many celebrities get things free, as a form of publicity. So technically we tend to pay MORE than a star.
That is what I was thinking... celebrities probably get it free so they can show it off in photos on the magazine covers.
But why would anyone think this is Communistic? Weird peeps.
I don't know about you in the States, but in Canada we have progressive income tax.
The more I earn, the more I pay in percentage in tax. Isn't that a socialist philosophy? Yet, a lot of people agree with it. Why should a high income earner pay more for an apple than you do?
Sure, celebrities get lots of free stuff but they pay in many other ways. Loss of privacy, for one. I wouldn't trade with any one of them.
Can someone say dense?
What was your reaction?
Ryan @ Plantingdollars
Hi.. I came across your blog.. very interesting..
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